Monday, September 27, 2010

We Stick Like A Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

Oh, I could go for one these bad boys right about now! But besides me thinking of food (not a surprise), I was thinking about how friendships are a lot like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


No, it’s not the fact that I'm super hungry as I'm writing this, it really is! When you first bite into one of these tasty sandwiches, what do you notice? That uber yummy taste, right? It's the right combination/ratio of peanut butter to jelly. Once you taste it, you appreciate how the two individual ingredients came together to form a great concoction that produces that feeling of "Oooh this is so good, it's drool worthy." 

Okay, I'll stop describing this tasty delicacy and get to the point. Friendship is the same. No, I'm not saying we drool over friends. Well, I guess you can, I won't judge. 

Think of your friends as either the peanut butter or the jelly; whatever you want to classify yourself is up to you :0). Both of you are different. You may coming from different backgrounds, or have different personalities, style, and/or taste. Yet, you still have some of the same commonalities or foundation (that being the bread in our nutritious PB&J). The ending result?                                                                        

Priceless memories of crazy midnight runs to taco bell or getting lost on road-trips, prank calls, or even those purely amusing & random conversation!

Did ya'll take note that in the second paragraph I stated the right ratio of PB&J? If you did, kudos! Because I probably wouldn't have! What do I mean by the ratio of PB&J? Glad you asked! Well, when it comes to friends its not about the quantity but the quality.  I think most can agree that there are friends whom we merely socialize within certain settings and then we have close friends whom we have come to trust. It’s these amigos (friends, for all you non-Spanish speaking individuals) who you can share your dreams with and overall, just pour your heart out to them without feeling scared of being judged. 

I have been very blessed with great friends who compliment me just like a good ol' PB&J sandwich does. I appreciate their differences and their qualities that make them distinct from others. It's these differences which add value and enrich my life. I love learning from them because in essence they make me a better me! And just like a good ol' PB&J, my good friends never let me down! They provide me with those uplifting words and with that smile during those bad days, as well as provide me with the support to continually push myself towards my dreams & goals when I am unsure of myself. 

I think sometimes we can take good friends for granted because they are always there, but its important to let them know of how grateful we are that they stick with us throughout all the good and bad times. Keep in mind that we always want to feel appreciated even if it’s once in a while! :0) 

That said, thank you to all my friends who have continually been there & supported me! I love ya'll! 

Now who wants a PB& J?