Sunday, September 18, 2011

Changing The World One Service At A Time

Many people applaud those who are involved in volunteering and philanthropic organization, yet rarely do they mimic those who they admire.... or at least their actions. It's so easy to get side-track by the worldly ways that we often forget how to help others. Once caught in the tidal wave of life's problems and enticed by material things, it's hard for many to stop & think what have I done to give back? Seldom do we have these thoughts especially with action behind them.

Throughout the world, there are millions of people who lack the basic necessities to live a healthy life. This is in a wider scope of things, because although there are many impoverished countries, the need is also true within our own communities.  Just recently, I was volunteering with a food bank in Santa Barbara County. Many who have heard of Santa Barbara, would most likely agree that it is an affluent city and need here is not as prominent as in other cities throughout California. It was shocking for most to learn that Santa Barbara county as well as LA county, and Orange county, who are considered and are ranked some of the wealthiest counties in California, are in dire need of help. Everyday many people are faced with hard decision between food, rent and prescription medications. Many believe that poor people are those who are in the street corner asking for food, but that is not an accurate depiction of a person or a family in need. A lot of the time, those who had been in the past donors to organizations become clients of those same organizations they helped. With disbelief they think... 'I've been donating to your organization for years, but I never imagined I'd have to come here and ask for food.'

No one is immune.

Luckily, there are organizations like the Santa Barbara Food-bank who are there to help families who are in need, but unfortunately due to the economy the help they used to get from these programs are constantly being cut, which in turn close their doors to people who are need. With the budget cuts, less donations from grocery stores and the prices for food on the rise, there is more of a struggle for organizations to keep up with the demand.

This is only one of the many organizations that are hurting. So what can people do to help at the very least? Many organizations are in need of donations (food, clothing, toys and money). You can also join organizations or clubs directed towards community projects such as Rotaract, or you can spend one afternoon volunteering at Unity Shoppe or Foodbank. What's a couple of hours to change people's lives?

As an active volunteer, it is my belief that when you volunteer you actually receive more than what you are giving back. When you participate in your community volunteering, you are able to see the impact YOU have. I have been blessed to meet the very people/families who I am impacting, and it's an experience that puts the way you live life in a new perspective.

 The main point is to not wait for someone else to help a cause that you can very well help. You have a direct impact on your community. Remember, you never know when & from whom you will need help from in the future.... it may very well be the person you are helping now.