Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Mapmaker

It's amazing how at one point in your life you might meet someone that will impact you in such a way where it can totally change your life's direction.

Is it random? I don't believe so. 

I believe that our life is like a map, and the ultimate mapmaker is God. He designs our map as we continually go through our life journey. He shows us what needs to be shown by placing twists, turns, and obstacles in our roads and placing us in tough terrains. By terrain, I mean a particular region that can determine the suitablity of human life. These terrains or phases in life, can sometimes be very hard to endure and walk through, but I believe that these are trials that God sets forth for you in order to mold you into who you need to be in order to achieve your purpose in life. Think of when you are on a treadmill. Why do you increase the speed or inclination? By increasing the rigor of your workout you strengthen your body and increase your endurance. More simply put, you become more fit. The same principle applies to our life when we go through tough terrains. These tough phases in your life strengthen your character and make you learn more about yourself. These phases get you more fit in areas where you were weak, so when you face tougher areas in life, you will be stronger and better prepared. With all the lessons we learn along the way in our journey we have a natural tendency to wonder, where am I heading? What’s the purpose? We all serve a purpose in life. At one point or another we question ourselves and our purpose in life. That purpose you find during your journey, which in fact is the destination in itself. 

Sometimes God will introduce new people in your life in order to shape you, by the lessons you learn from them directly or as a result of your interaction with them. When their job is complete, God may remove them from your road in order not to obstruct your path and you are free to move forward in your journey. Think of a one way road and there's a boulder in the way. You have to be somewhere important, but this boulder (perhaps a person, or an attribute where you are weak in- e.g. an addiction, or being prideful) is in between you and your destination. First thought is, "Geez, how do I move this?" You obviously want to get on your merry way! Well, I believe that either we move it ourselves if we have enough strength (strong character that resulted from past roads) to move it or God will figure out a way to move it for you (-always found comfort in that). 

"Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7  

I think one of the most wonderful things that humans sometimes take for granted or don't think about is, free will. It's been given to all of us. I believe that God is very crafty and very creative when it comes to our life map. It's filled with details that are beyond our scope of reasoning. As a traveler in your own life journey, you have the free will to choose what road to take. And sometimes a road can lead you to a fork where you may not be sure, which road to take.  At times you may chose a road with a tough terrain, which makes your life tough and can lead you to lose a lot. It's during these trials that we experience feelings of despair, hopelessness, and anxiety. These experiences test your character. You must look to your past roads and look to what they have taught you, both the successes and failures. Although successes do serve a purpose, failures serve a greater purpose. Past failures serve as reminders of the lessons we learned on how we handle and see things. For what may have defined your past, does not have to define your future. 

Although it may be hard to accept, when you learn to embrace those tough times it liberates you from bitterness and anger. They are there to serve as lessons about oneself and help you discover your purpose. Remind yourself, that your life map has been design by God and that it will lead you to become the person you are meant to be, if you only wish to learn and excel from the journey. And if you are currently in a tough terrain with feelings of bleakness, or sadness, remember that sometimes you have to lose all in order to gain everything.