Thursday, February 17, 2011

Word Scrabble: Putting Meaning Behind Words

Why do we use words? 

Even in the earliest of times, people would come together to steer away from the feeling of being lonely, or to help each other hunt and gather food. Needless to say, even in the most primitive days, both humans & animals understood the importance of communication. Out of this need of communicating came about language, which in essence is a complex system of communication.But this blog isn't about giving you a linguistic history lesson. The point of this rambling is, to point out & highlight one of biggest forms of communication- speech (words, sign language etc...)- and it's importance. 

Although body language (gesture, facial expression) is one of the most talked about forms of communication, I'd like to focus on words


Words create impressions, images and expectations. They build psychological connections. They influence how we think. Since thoughts determine actions, there's a powerful connection between the words we use and the results we get.The enormous power of words lies in the meaning that those words have for you and the significance it has to others. It is important to realize that what you speak should have meaning behind it (substance). What do I really mean by meaning? Well, it is something you should be able to show through action (hence the correlation between words we use and the results we get). It's like the the idiom many of you may have heard, "walk the talk." It's always easier to say you'll do something, than to actually put in the work to accomplish it.I think many times we speak for the sake of saying something and we don't realize the repercussions of our words, which go hand in hand with our actions.

So next time you speak remember to think first, what am I really saying? Are these statements or promises being spoken on the premise of substance or are they just " fluff "? Remember,we get no where in life if we use words without action.Accomplishments are always the result of action,and for that reason it's a better use of our time and energy if we use words in action.  

1 comment:

  1. I know I need to constantly remind myself to do this. I have yet to put the actions in my words about cleaning my room lol.

    As for the bigger picture, this is something that's necessary to allow people to connect with their life. By this, I mean that there are various personalities to just a single person. There is the way he/she view him/her-self (the talk): "I'll do this, this, this and this before I do that". Then there's how everyone else sees you (the walk): "He/She does only that". In order to be who you really are, the two need to find some common ground. How you see yourself is how others should see you. If there are discrepancies, work toward fixing them. Show them who you want to be by being who you are.

    (I'm also making up for lost time by reading what I've missed KapOw)
